may be viewed as a sentient, breath-driven, incarnate, vectorial, and recursive impulse of conditioned intentions accompanied by a multiplicity of self-senses and responses that simultaneously
manifest as their ephemeral and complementary meaning-laden
circumstances fulfilling or obstructing those intentional impulses.
may legitimately speak of this momentum as living
and those intentional impulses as desires.
This may be interpreted as the
intentional desire-driven momentum of past acts incarnating as a
vector: Experience,
in use here, is the pregnant present expecting the perfect child of
fulfillment in the ardently anticipated future—the only future that
may be said to incarnate sentience. This present is not graspable,
attainable, nor fulfilling. It is soaked with disappointment, patent
or latent, from its roots, arousing vectorial maturity, i.e.,
anticipation, aiming toward inevitable failure. It
is marked by difficulty, a lack of inherent essence of all its
phenomena, and ephemerality. Phenomena arise and simultaneously
dissolve according to the intentional drives marred by the lack of
fulfillment of their expectations.
Kelly, 12/2018
is the primal seed of experience,….”
Veda 10.129.4
Our time is up. Let's be serious about our lives for others. What others are to you is what you are to them. Please be kind. Compassion is the wisdom-filled wish for the well being of all others.
In constituting ourselves we constitute others; in the constitution others, we constitute ourselves. Be kind and practice it to the end. Our salvation consists in the realization that all otherness--despite the inculcation, sanctification, legitimization, and legislation of the belief in an independently existing reality--is, in fact, granted its very being and sentience through our life as lived.