Apr 30, 2020

Thoughts are Not Feeling Neutral

Thinking as the activity of intention-generation is accompanied by both feeling and breathing. 

Obviously, breathing does not always accompany our thinking but in the originating activity of narratives, breathing was tied to the thinking. This results in a patterning of feeling/breathing that leaves an incarnate trace effect. Most acts leave patterned deposits. If a similar action is taken in the future, that action will, in turn, build on the prior act and so on and so on until a kind of breath/feeling takes root. Perhaps the metaphor of a sandpile on the beach may serve to make the point. We build a sizeable mound of sand on the beach and then proceed to pour buckets of water on the top of the mound. When the water is poured it naturally seeks its own level downward. In doing so, it will form rivulets in the mound. As we continue to pour these buckets of water on the top of the mound some of the rivulets will attract more of the water than others and consequently they will deepen attracting even more water than the others with future pours. In an earlier blog post, I used the example of the sedimentary rock layers of the Grand Canyon. It was, very importantly, noted that the foundation layers--it is layers all the way down, with no perceivable bottom in this semi-fictitious example--are still an influence to more current and even the presently forming layer. Influence from the remote bottom layers is still effectual when the patterning influence of foundational layers on all subsequent layers is taken into effect. Consequently, the actions taken by our ancestors are still influential as are our actions taken in the present. The present, inclusive of all sorts of conditions which are truly infinite in scope, gives rise to what we of finite perception consider to be novelty. No amount of calculation could possibly be inclusive enough to fathom the prevailing conditions of the present.

Our past lives, for it is only incarnate actions that can take place, are truly ours in this sense. For we are the inheritors of the past into the present toward the intentional future--the only future that may be said to truly exist. 

It should be noted... 

This movement gives rise to inclinations that, in accordance with their repetition and severity of impact, will generate similar acts in future. This is habit, the result of repetition. This is why practice works. Much like form and color, thinking, breathing, and feeling are not separable but they are distinguishable. Distinguishing this triune movement is not always evident. In fact, for most of us, it would take a good deal of practice, especially meditation practice, to access this type of subtle observation. Once gained, this skill proves helpful in attenuating unwanted habits, those that cause suffering are the most relevant to our concerns.

To be continued...

Apr 27, 2020

Immunity from the Virus-Narratives

Once narratives or stories or thoughts are repeated, sometimes ad nauseum, remind yourself that all narratives are felt narratives. Their repetition carves out feeling "channels" in which flow the breath along with those narratives. Repetition ensures that the narrative-feelings are sedimented as patterned and therefore they feel right, meaning they feel familiar and are held--by the uncritical eye--as being real. For corroboration, we can always appeal to our friends and family who themselves have probably been exposed to the virus-narratives along with you.

For a more neutral example of what I'm saying is hair. For those of us burdened with hair, the morning mirror check is often an important part of a start to our day. Often, we don't leave the house without it. How do we know when our hair is "right" for the start of the day? Is it exclusively an intellectual judgment? See for yourself. Doesn't it have to not only look right but feel right? Aren't we uncomfortable when it isn't? Our body says, "No, not yet." We have to feel comfortable with our hair prior to leaving. This is not simply an intellectual appraisal.

Now, there is nothing true or false about the morning hair is there? But, there is something it feels like to be right or wrong. Right?

All acts, be they of mind or body, have to feel justified. Don't believe it? Witness this for yourself. The basis of justification is feelings, it is, in the end, the body-feelings that decide. Feelings are of three kinds: pleasureable, painful, and neutral or indifferent. For the most part, feelings decide and thought justifies. 

Apr 12, 2020

More on Free Will (The following is subject to revision.)

These are scattered thoughts that I am working on in a continuation of my notes on free will. They are not definitive although some of them may be worth your consideration. See if they fit. 

Here it is. The statements are bold, no less. Read them. Ask yourself, "Why would anyone, this man, say these things?" This is a question that many would not bother asking.

However, once you read these assertions and fully observe first hand, the simple and direct truth of these assertions while the movement of decisions and actions i.e., living, is occurring, then everything will change.

What I actually do is enacted ahead of my reasons for doing it. Reasons are not what guides me, the alleged agent of my actions, in the mode of living of action. Reasons follow upon the enacting of the decision. 

We are not free agents and we do not have free will. 

In fact, why I do and what I do are decisions made without consulting me first. 

If you do observe this in its unfolding from unmanifest to manifest, from potentiality to actuality, it is yours and all of the implications that go with it and all of the implications will gradually become yours as well. This simple observation will be the beginning of the unfolding of these unsettling implications and this process will take as long as it takes.

However, the knowing necessary for doing is a form of unmanifest knowing. It is an unmanifest, silent sentience result-ing from prior acts. 

Do you observe this? Is this something true for you? It is comparable to attempting to see the ground beneath your feet. Decisions are made by the omniscient and sentient-silence of the unfolding of historical determinations or karma.

Apr 5, 2020

Coming soon..."The Fundamental Reality"

This is one of the most important things to learn for helpful navigation of living. Here goes:

The Fundamental Reality is Experiencing: Being is Becoming

The implications of this realization, or position if you like, are, at once, staggering and dangerous. They are also awe-some and magnificent. The unfolding of some of the implications and the dangers of doing so will be the topic of this blog. Stop back soon, please.