Dec 20, 2015

It took all of eight years to get back to this blog. I started this blog back in 2007. Since then, I have grown to understand the obstacles that stand in the way of appreciating, in a deeper sense of that word, what we may initially refer to as our radical reality, or "root" reality. This blog will unfold some of the implications of realizing this root reality in our everyday lives. Hopefully, this understanding will be grounded, not in a conceptual or theoretical manner, but in a thoroughgoing embodied and silent fullness wherein the fundamental reality of our lives as a union of body, mind, self, world, universe that breathes is seen, felt, and known as the basis of all experience. This human union, this radical sense of what it means to be human, will humanize all of life. One may even say that this realization is, at the same time, the sacralization, of all human experience.