Feb 14, 2016

Inside-out Thinking

For starters, let me begin by noting that all of the analyses presented in this blog will stem from a deep and loving worship of the source of all human virtue and my abiding love of humanity. The primary motivation for this blog is to contribute to the alleviation of human suffering. Suffering is something of which, without exception, all of us partake. One can begin this project from, what I consider to be its most abstract level--and oftentimes its most vicious--politics. Or, begin at the most fundamental level, i.e., each of our human lives, and then work upward from the fundamental to the abstract heights of the political. We will begin with the latter method or "path," and work our way slowly upward to the political. In my humble opinion, only a thorough and abiding immersion in the fundamental can make it possible to provide a proper support for further understanding. We all share in the fundamental; we are its offspring. 

Any step beyond the fundamental necessitates thought. Thought is our distinctly (as far as we know) human method of coming to terms with the fundamental, the derivative. However, we must not fall into the trap of mistaking the derivative for the fundamental. The derivative begins with thought, in our case, analysis. The word "analysis" is derived from Greek analysis "a breaking up, a loosening, releasing," noun of action from analyein "unloose, release, set free; to loose a ship from its moorings," in Aristotle, "to analyze," from ana "up, throughout" (see ana-) + lysis "a loosening,from lyein "to unfasten". (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=analysis). What we are attempting to accomplish via thought is to release the potential analytic structures from the fundamental. In this manner or method, as Parmenides would have it, we are taking the way of thought. The way is the methodos, from Latin methodus "way of teaching or going," from Greek methodos "scientific inquiry, method of inquiry, investigation," originally "pursuit, a following after," from meta- "after" (see meta-) + hodos "a traveling, way..." (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php allowed_in_frame=0&search=method)

In sum, to think in this manner is to unleash the potential of thought/sound energy to construct ideas which in their turn, after congealment as habits, become what are often taken to be the fundamental reality. This turn is the turn towards the sensorially given elements of earth, water, fire or light, air, and space which, once and often taken as primary, become the building blocks of our universes of textured nouns, i.e., selves and things. One of our more important tasks is to reveal this becoming of universes, this becoming of experience, through the activity of what we will often refer to as "mind." We must become intimately aware of the process of becoming, the incessant manifestation and dissolution of experience. Much like a flame that arises only to become known and devour itself in its ongoing manifestation, experience arises in a ceaseless current that we may refer to as "world" or "universe." (More on this later) It is this movement that we will refer to as "time." This is living time. This is truly human and living time; this is not theoretical, clock time. 

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