May 1, 2017

On "The Universe"

So many of us are held by the belief that "the universe" has little to do with our all too human embodiment. The universe most of us refer to is one constructed of thought and is not the living experience of life as lived. To pray to such a universe, claiming that it will answer your requests, is to pray to an abstraction that has been historically generated by human conceptualizations. What we may advocate is paying delicately focused attention to experience, the keeper of all possible worlds, and yes "my brother." This might be termed "the living universe." Experience is, in the most radical sense, all we ever have. Yet, we also live out of those theories that continue to create and uphold "the universe" in the "scientific" sense. No one is advocating dispensing with such a theoretical universe--with its laws and particles. However, what we are advising is that we do not lose sight of the lived (or living) universe of human experiencing. Unfortunately, "the universe" has become so consensual that few of us can appreciate its conceptual nature and inadvertently substitute the conceptual for the actual.

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