Jul 22, 2019

The Meaning of Living (or, as they say "life")

The point of it all is it all. The point of life is living. The movement of experience good, bad, or indifferent is the point of it all. And, here is the kicker. The experience is not ours. We, as the self, normal everyday experience, mystical, inter-dimensional, sacred, profane, happy, or sad is what life, as it is lived, is all about. The experience is not ours. That is the point. We do not live. We are merely instruments for that which does. I use the word that loosely. This is not metaphysics or ontology. This is not a statement of conceptual fact. This is what we live every day. No self-continuity is obvious to us in actual, full-blown living. No matter the quality of it, the living is taking place and we are merely a phenomenal component of the movement. Experience is selfing through it all. Selfing is what experience does. The reality of life is experience itself. That's it. The meaning of life is experience itself. That's it. The point of it all is living. Living as experience is all there is. Here is the proof, and watch it happen, after reading this, we will make something of it whether we want to or not. Just watch. We can't stop it. We don't have a choice. We have to act. We must do. It is the first real commandment. Thou shalt act!

The good try to change things for the good. The bad try to change things for the good, for themselves.

--Yogi Ananda Viraj 

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