Jul 10, 2020

Who is the Other?

One of the most important aspects of interpersonal relations that goes unsaid and unexamined, except in fields like academic philosophy, psychology, and anthropology, and several more is the field of "intersubjectivity." We will, in the very near future, explore this topic from our vantage point and see the role an effective understanding of intersubjectivity may play in our effort to reduce or even eliminate some of life's difficulties.

What I hope to accomplish here is to create an exercise that opens us up to an envisioning of the other, sentient or not, that becomes grounded in the knowledge that it is our karma and consciousness that generate all experience. The following paragraph is a preliminary statement of what may become revealed through the performance of the exercise.

It is on the basis of our own sentience that otherness is constituted. In union with sentience, accumulated prior actions (karma) give rise to all the structures, contents, and meanings that constitute experience. The stream of sentience that flows from past to future in the evanescent present animates the bodies and worlds in which living feels, moves, and breathes. Like form and color, sentience and karma must be known as both unified and distinct. The mind that realizes this conscious momentum as living may be one wherein suffering can be attenuated. 

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